I so did not want a root canal and although I couldn't chew on the right side of my mouth for more than 6 months, I still patiently prayed for my miracle healing.
After all, I kept telling myself, “I am healed by the stripes of Christ.”
Am I right?
I’ve prayed for healing a lot over the past decade as I’ve suffered from chronic conditions that have often left me lying in bed for extended periods of time.
So it seemed like a miracle healing to avoid a root canal was a no-brainer. It wouldn’t take too much of God’s time and so would be a win-win for him and I. But no miracle healing arrived. In fact, quite to the contrary, my tooth got worse (go figure!).
I prayed for the intercession of St. Alena (toothaches are her specialty) and took homeopathic remedies.
Still nothing.
Finally I couldn’t put it off any longer and scheduled the dreaded root canal appointment.
That’s when my pleading changed; my definition of a miracle evolved.
I began to see that the fact that I could go get a root canal that would be—essentially—pain free was a miracle! Sure the roof-of-the-mouth shot hurt and the 2 ½ hour procedure was a bit exhausting and the throbbing after-root-canal procedure pain was there…but the fact remained that the root canal was a success and the pain wasn’t anything like, let’s say, having a tooth extracted a century ago.
Miracles abound.
I began to thank God for the miracle of being able to have a root canal. Crazy, right? Yes and no.
It occurred to me that we live our lives knee-deep in miracles—things we definitely take for granted can be moved in our minds from “expectations” to the “miraculous” and thus make us more grateful throughout our day.
And what I see as a miracle is probably way different than what you see as a miracle and that’s why we don’t really need to share them with each other; rather, the miracles we choose to see can be kept between ourselves and God and simply raise our spirits to him as they are filled with gratitude.
Who would have thought that a root canal was a miracle and an answer to prayer! Not me, that’s for sure.
Picture: ID 13250246 © Jaeeho | Dreamstime.com